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Do you know how to maintain the cutting and sewing machine?

Woven bags are often seen in our daily life. The appearance of the cutting and sewing machine provides great convenience for the production of woven bags. However, due to the lack of maintenance in daily production, the service life of the machine is reduced. How to extend the service life of the cutting and sewing machine, let's take a look with the editor below!

The machine should be cleaned and maintained regularly, and rules and regulations for machine maintenance should be established. The equipment should be refueled after one or several days of continuous use. If refueling is used between uses, the machine should be idling for a while to fully infiltrate the oil and throw off excess oil. Then use a clean soft cloth to clean the machine head and the table. Wipe clean to avoid soiling the seam material. Regularly remove the screw between the needle plate and the feed dog, remove the lint and dust, add a small amount of special oil, and then wipe off the excess oil with a cloth.

The parts inside the panel and the movable parts connected with each part, the lubricating presser foot bar and the needle bar and the parts connected to them should be lubricated regularly. The machine should be cleaned frequently, and the mechanical positioning screws, transmission gears, and chains should be oiled regularly to prevent rust. The emergency brake button must be checked and maintained, otherwise there may be danger.

The shuttle bed is a place that is prone to failure. It should be cleaned frequently. The stains should be removed and a small amount of lubricating oil should be added appropriately. When using, it is necessary to ensure that the paper output of the cutting machine and the printing machine is balanced, the cutting knife is often sharpened, the machine is maintained and cleaned according to a fixed time, so as to improve the efficiency and the service life of the machine. After the work is completed, insert the needle into the needle hole plate, lift the presser foot, and cover the machine head with a hood to prevent dust dust from entering.

The above is the daily maintenance of the cutting and sewing machine. Regular maintenance of the machine can not only prolong the service life of the machine, but also increase the work efficiency. I hope the above content can be helpful to everyone!
Copyright ? Wenzhou Ruijin Machinery Co., Ltd.
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