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News Center

  • Precautions for safe operation of sewing machine


    1. Before the operation, the operator needs to wear the overalls, work caps and work shoes neatly, fasten the placket and cuffs of the clothes, and do not put sundries in the pockets, and do not wear .......

  • How to choose a bag cutting and sewing machine?


    The end of the year and the beginning of the year are the procurement period for clothing, luggage, decorations and other industries, as well as the peak season for woven bag sales. With the developme.......

  • Unprecedented development of sewing machines


    With the rapid development of international trade and international logistics, great changes have taken place in the domestic market. Plastic woven bags with large capacity, convenient loading and unl.......

  • Do you know how to maintain the cutting and sewing machine?


    Woven bags are often seen in our daily life. The appearance of the cutting and sewing machine provides great convenience for the production of woven bags. However, due to the lack of maintenance in da.......

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